Monday, 30 August 2021


On Tuesday last week before school ended my teacher said that he had just gotten a notification saying that there was a new case of Covid in Auckland. Tonight on the news the council would have a meeting deciding whether or not we are going into lockdown again. Later that night when I was sitting on the couch watching youtube my parents turned the news on. A little later my mum's mouth dropped and she looked at me, I asked her what had happened and then I found out we are in level 4 lockdown for 3 days and possibly more. When I texted one of my group chats saying that we were in lockdown again, not all of them believed it and when they found out the truth everyone started panicking. I was pretty mad because I didn't didn't like lockdown that much but the others were a bit more disappointed and scared than me. Since google has updated their meets we didn't know how to use it because we hadn't practiced yet which meant we didn't have to do online school which I was happy about because I forgot my maths book and a bunch of other things and whenever I need help I can't just go ask the teacher because he might be with another group. I still have to do homework though but I'm not mad about it. 

Mum went for a big shop after she found out and my sister's friend Alyssa sent my sister a photo of the huge line and mum forgot how big it was last time. Before she left she said if we wanted or needed anything we could just text her and she would get it for us, even just snacks. I texted her some of the things I wanted and surprisingly she got all of them and also the right ones! I was super happy.

 The next day was our first day back in Lockdown. It was really annoying because it was a sunny day so it was all hot and then dad told me to take Molly for a walk. She was so excited before we left and to make her go longer I grabbed a treat, but after she ate it we went only a tiny bit longer then she stopped and gave me THAT look. So we started going back. We hadn't even gone that long and then when we were just about home she started sniffing around at this house that was still getting built so I had to try and get her to come over. I was looking forward to getting outside for once but sadly it didn't last long.

In the lounge there's this thing where my dad and Olivia put a bike on this little stand thing and then you can basically go for a bike ride without going anywhere so I thought It was something I could actually do In lockdown. Dad said I could try it out and I surprisingly liked it. I spent a bunch of that day getting on and off it, and even better, you can practice biking with no hands! Before I knew it mum had arrived home. 

After dinner I went into my room and started doing what I usually do, text and spam my friends, play video games, watch youtube, netflix and things like that. I fell asleep and when I woke up I got up and went on youtube. A bit later I made breakfast and started doing homework. It's kinda hard doing homework when your friends keep on spamming you, if you don't know what spamming means it's when you text the same person over and over again a lot of times.

My group chat started texting me and when I told them I was doing homework they were like, "WHAT!? It's too early! Imma just go on maths whizz and then back onto youtube!" and stuff like that, then the friend that said that ended up asking me and Liam for help, it was only on one question and it was pretty easy. I'm surprised she didn't know how to do it. 

I accidentally forgot to write on some of the days, but right now it's Monday, I'm really happy because mum has a day off today! Also because It's my birthday in 3 days. It's pretty sad that it'll be in lockdown on my birthday and my mums working on my birthday but that's ok! Basically my mum works as a lab scientist in the greymouth hospital and the lab team has been split up into groups. So one day my mum works the next she doesn't, then she works again and it just goes on like that. 

Today we get to see if we are gonna stay in level 4 or if we are going into level 3, and tomorrow is the day that it gets renewed. Welp, we'll have to wait and see! 

For school I've been doing my maths and E-book. A few weeks before lockdown we got minecraft education and Mr A gave us a few tasks. 1 was to make a building with a 2500 perimeter, the other was to make our school but in minecraft, so I've also been working on the school, because the perimeter one is a bit hard. I've also been working on a minecraft McDonalds! I want to turn that world into a whole city! But I need more places. For some reason It won't let me screenshot McDonalds but that's ok.

Today Online class has started, even though we didn’t know how to properly use it we still had it. We only had 2 meets today and the last one was one that you could choose to be on or not. To make sure that we were here Mr A put out a form on the learning site and if we were there we could fill it out. At the last meet I showed Mr A and some of my classmates my McDonalds! I think they liked it, Mr A loved it though!

Today was wacky hat day. Mr A had decided to put a form on the learning site and we can choose whose mask was the best because he forgot to do it in the meeting and when he realized some people had already left. I kept on having to get up because my cats were being annoying and wanting me to feed them, let them in/out and then they started fighting so I kept turning my camera off. 

Martin has another appointment today for his thumb. Since mum's working and dads taking nhim it's just me and Olivia for a few hours.

Now my birthday is only 2 days away! Last night I waited till midnight and as soon as the date turned to the 24th I started jumping around and getting all excited. That night I was also on call with Shae! I was really happy about that because me and Shae don’t call a lot because my mic on my phone doesn’t work that well on call and on my tablet the internet always cuts out, so me and Shae were just looking at my weird old photos, doing faceplants, playing minecraft, being weird and just stuff like that. All of a sudden Amber found her way onto the call and she didn’t wanna leave and since me and Shae just wanted some time to just us two we just pretended we made a new meet and then she left. We were laughing so hard and it was super funny!

Lockdown hasn’t been too bad for me! But I REALLY wanna go back to school. I miss my friends and since a lot of them are year 6s I don’t have much longer with them, I have a bad feeling about next year, sometimes I just wish I was year 6, I wanna spend more time with Lizzie, Cooper and a lot of others. Me and Liam are starting to become friends, he’s actually really funny especially when he does his british or scottish accent. 

Yesterday I fell asleep as soon as school ended. I was so tired and was asleep for an hour and a half! Then me and mum took Molly for a walk around the racecourse, because we live really close to it. Then I went on call again with Shae and she started roleplaying in minecraft! She was so funny. 

Wednesday 25th

Today was wacky shirt day, I didn’t really feel like looking for a wacky shirt so I just used the mint green spongebob sweater Taylor got me as an early birthday present! I honestly take it almost everywhere. Anyways it was pretty funny because the whole class went on greenscreen mode on the google meet and they all put their background as the galaxy LOL! And just before we left I got really embarrassed because Xanthe asked if I was excited for our birthday tomorrow, and I didn’t want the class to know but most people had already left when she asked and I don’t think anyone heard it. 

Today was my birthday! Mr Abbott found out and sang me happy birthday, I was super embarrassed. It was also pet day but since I couldn’t find the cats and Molly was sleeping so I couldn’t show them.

I forgot to write but it's been 4 days since my birthday. On Friday we had Mrs Swinburn and since it was daffodil day I drew a daffodil. She also made us a Bingo that we could fill out which was pretty cool. It has stuff that you do in lockdown and you can fill the ones you have done out and try to get them all done! 

Anyways todays been kind of boring so far, I’m starting to get really tired of lockdown. I just wanna get back to school, see my friends and not do online school. I don’t like online school as much as I thought I would. It's just boring and I get really tired. I hope soon we can finally go back to school, I wouldn’t even care if I had to wear a mask and gloves and everything. I would honestly rather spend the weekend at school instead of being stuck in lockdown. 

Huh? Oh! You're still here? Wow, congrats! You made it to the end. Thanks so much for taking your time to read my blog post. I wish I had made it shorter but I didn’t feel like it. Are you in lockdown? If you are, were you surprised when we first went into lockdown, and what's your favourite thing about it?


  1. Hi Kaya, great read!..a bit like a never ending diary. Yes I was supprised we went into lockdown so fast this time, I think it caught everyone off guard but I suspect oru Prime Minister planned it that way so some people wouldnt pack up and head to their holiday homes/batches, especially the ones up in Auckland whe re the covid is really serious.I love being at home as I dont have to rush around and I can get a lot more jobs done. I have also been creative, Have you?

    1. Hello Chris! Thank you for commenting on my post! I also really like being at home, but I prefer normal school better. I'm not quite sure what you mean by creative, but I have been doing some pretty cool drawings!


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