Friday, 11 September 2020

This Weeks Jobs!

This week the Year 5's and 6's had camp, that meant us Year 4's had to take over. They do a lot of jobs when they are here, and we had to make sure we did those jobs. The good part is that we get to practise because soon we would have to do those jobs every week as well. The jobs we were doing were Whanau Time and Assembly, Bikes, PE Shed, Peer Mediation, And Flags. It was so fun! Since the Year 5's and 6's were gone it was pretty peaceful, because they are as noisy as screaming elephants! I'm not lying, anyways, my favourite job was the PE shed job. It was AMAZING! I also loved doing Whanau Time and Assembly. I heard the Year 5's and 6's went to Orana Park and saw Lions! It sounded amazing, I'm excited for our camp its probably going to be so fun! 

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