Friday, 29 May 2020

Our Teddy Bear Lock down Week.

This week the whole school has been doing something very fun, we are bringing our teddy bears and soft toys to school, but we are only allowed to bring one and that one only for the week. On Friday was the main day, I didn't bring my teddy(Green bear) for the whole week until today on Friday. We could have them at our desks, in our bag, on our legs etc, we could bring them anywhere we wanted. I had a lot of fun today, but I'm sad its only for this week. But we do need to get everything back to normal. Keep Safe Everyone!


  1. Hi Kaya
    It sure was fun to have the teddy bears at school, wasn't it? I guess if it was all the time, it wouldn't be so much fun - it wouldn't be a novelty! What do you think our next fun day should involve?

    1. Yeah! It really was a fun day! and also, I'm not exactly sure. Because there's so much we already did!


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