Hi everyone! This week we have started reading a bit about "Bruce Mclaren". For my story map, I thought of copying and pasting from a different story map I made, it had a super car in it. That's why I copied and pasted in the car, then I thought of making a road, I didn't know if it really looked much like the Grand Prix- (pronounced, gran-pree) road, but at least I tried! Here's what my story map turned out like,
I named the story map "young famous racer", because for one of our tasks we have to come up with a new name for each story! The original name that they had named the story was, "In His Blood". I also put a bit of decoration beside the name, right here,
As you can see, I pressed, "ctrl c ctrl v" that's how I copy and paste, but I have to click on the thing I want to copy, and I drag my mouse like this,

Except I drag my mouse, anyways, then I make the cars smaller and drag them up to the top. I made my story map have a super car and road because it matches with the story, they have super cars and Grand Prix roads in the story, and I really want to remember the story map of the super car and not just leave it in my drive on a folder, because I worked so hard on it! I'm really starting to love the super car I made, I've liked the look of my super car for a long time. We learnt quite a lot about Bruce Mclaren from the story, we learnt about his first race at the age of 15, we learnt about the time he had gotten a very bad disease called, "Perthes Disease" which made him unable to walk for two whole years! We also learnt how he was the youngest person to win a Grand Prix and so much more! We even got to make a bio cube about him! Here is mine!
It has a lot more writing on different slides, we used cube creator to make it, this is what we did.
We pressed, "get started",
this came up so we clicked the button on the top,
then we clicked allow,
this came up so we put our name in,
then clicked "BIO CUBE"(purple box)
And then this appeared and we put all the information in and just kept pressing next when we were done and then sent it to the teacher and they print it out for us to put together! I hope this helped!